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Engelhart Fertilizers

Further information and instruction for use and for maintenance of grass areas

It is important to carefully read the instruction for use before starting Verdefaser treatment.

Cut, aeration, fertilization and irrigation

Green, dense and lush: this is how a healthy lawn should appear.

It is very difficult to reach these results without professional help and what we usually have is a brown lawn, covered with musk, full of weed and bare areas.

Shortly: a sad and depressing view.

This can be easily and rapidly avoided by applying a treatment of regeneration and freshness.

During winter time the ground tends to regenerate and gets new energies.

With temperatures higher than 5°C the chlorophyll formation is reinforced and the grass starts to acquire nutrients again and as a consequence the grass get a fresh green colour, because of the new growth.

Now it is required human intervention for lawn and flowerbed.

Rejuvenation therapy

Phase 1: eliminate the dead weight

Do not overthink and eliminate the causes.

In difficult cases it is necessary to rake or scarify the lawn first. In order to allow the lawn to get light and fresh air eliminate remains, mosses and roots. A lime treatment would remove the moss just for a short time.

Phase 2:  For starting

Start spring with an application of Engelhart Boden attivo (available also in Italy).

Through a high percentage of organic substances, Boden attivo stimulates life up to the deepest ground layers.

Boden attivo contains active microorganisms that effectively regenerate seriously compacted lawns.

The advantage is an improvement of the ground structure, avoiding the formation of condensation and swamps. Moreover the development of mosses and roots are prevented.

The microelements contained in the mixture balance and fill ground deficiency, while acidity values are kept at a level that plants are able to accept. It is also expected a capability of nutrients and water storage.

These are the best requirement for a beautiful and healthy lawn in which mosses and weeds will not find a place.

Phase 3:  A little strengthening

Now that presuppositions have been fulfilled, fertilization is required.

Lawn must be organically nourished with main nutrients, nitrogen, phosphates, potassium and magnesium.

Our fertilizer has rapid, valid and lasting effect and starts to act immediately after application.

It contains all that a lawn needs.

Nutrients slowly flourish through the high percentage of organic substances, nourishing the ground and providing a healthy development of a heavy green grass lawn.

With our product it will be possible to obtain the formation of a valid root system, without an irregular development of turf, therefore no increase in cuts but a thick, durable and healthy grass lawn.

When to fertilize ?

Usually the turf development starts in March and ends in October. The best fertilization is to apply at the beginning and at the end of the vegetative period.

Lack of nutrients ?

A lot of green surfaces suffer from a lack of nutrients. This symptom is easily recognisable by colouring and a delay in growth. Without developing a beautiful green lawn cannot be obtained. If the ground is poor in nutrients mosses and weeds (clovers) will spread and the turf will not be solid and durable anymore. The most important nutrients are nitrogen, phosphates, potassium, iron and little tracks of magnesium.

These nutrients influence the different development processes of the plant and bring positive benefits.

How frequently is necessary to fertilize ?

Nutrients required by turfs vary depending on type, use and quality of the ground; the higher the consumption the higher are the nutrients required.

The first ground therapy is fertilization (March-April).

A summery fertilization is reasonable for play areas and sports fields; fertilization in October helps the turf to pass the winter.

Turfs under trees need at least three fertilization since trees also absorb nutrients from the ground.

How frequently is necessary to mow ?

Expect at least twenty mowings in the vegetative period.

A too heavy cut (typical German habit) should spare some time but actually the opposite result is obtained, since it damage the plant and stop its development.

It is better to set up the lawn mower in an intermediate position and just cut the tips, in this way the ground will be overshadowed and the exsiccation will be avoided

Usual problems with turfs

Swamps Shading and light lack
Grounds with an excessive pH Lack of humus and nutrients

For any special needs and further information please consult us !
